Thursday, September 5, 2013

I got Nominated!

My loverly new blogging friend at: Escaping Normal nominated me for the Liebster award!  I really don't know what it is, but I FEEL SO AWESOME RIGHT NOW!

So, there are rules that go with this thing.
1. Link back to the person who nominated you. (Check!)
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you by the nominee
3. Pick 11 bloggers with under 200 followers to be nominated
4. Come up with 11 questions for you nominees to answer
5. Notify the Nominees.

So, like I said, Leah Lotus at nominated me! (: Thanks, Leah. (:  She has eleven questions for me, so I guess I'll answer those.

Q: How did you come up with your blog name? 

A: Well, when I was a baby I used to cry so much that my dad called me a magpie (a bird known for being loud).  The name sounded so similar to my own nickname: Maddie; it clicked.  So, it's sort of a childhood name that I really like and try to incorporate into everything.

Q: Dream Job?

A: I want to be a published author so badly.  I'm also really into visual arts, and I hope to incorporate this into my job by writing and illustrating children's books.

Q: What's the last movie you've seen?  Rate it.

A: Uhhmm... this is hard because I can't remember.  That last time I watched a movie at home?  The last movie I watched in the movie theater was Star Trek Into Darkness, which was FABULOUS.  Waitor?  I need five stars over here please.  Chris Pine.  Is.  My.  Soul Mate.

Q: What was the most annoying song of the summer?  Why?

A: I don't know.  I'm not much of a music-holic, so I couldn't tell you.

Q: Pancakes or Waffles?

A: Mmm... neither?  Well, I guess If I have to pick I pick pancakes but only if my sister makes them.

Q: Favorite superhero?

A: I really like Batman movies and the Iron Man movies . . . so either one of those.  I'd like to say Captain America because he's so handsome, but I haven't actually seen the movie, so that's cheating.

Q: What color would you use to describe you as a person?

A: Purple!

Q: Guilty Pleasure?

A: Um... reading stupid books like that crap Cassandra Clare writes, because after I'm done reading them I tell myself I was stupid for ever picking the book up in the first place knowing it was going to end like this.

Q: Who inspires you?

A: A friend of mine from church camp.  I won't say her name as this is my blog and not hers and I would need her permission to do that, but she is one of the most Godly people I know.

Q: If any, what quote or saying do you live by?

A: "Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can." -John Wesley

Well . . . I don't exactly know eleven bloggers, so I'm going to have to cheat.  I'm sorry.  Here's my . . . um, one blogger.  The other two have already been nominated by other people.  Luckily, she deserves this:

Okay, other Maddie!  Here are my questions for you:

1.  What is your favorite article of clothing and why?
2.  If you were a billboard, what would you say?
3.  What's something you've never said aloud but always wanted to?
4.  What's your favorite color?
5.  When did you start blogging, and why?
6.  What TV show premier are you most looking forward to?
7.  What's your favorite Bertie Bots Every Flavor Bean?
8.  What's you're favorite book that was written before the twenty-first century?
9.  What's your favorite food?
10.  Do you hate wearing socks?
11.  What's your favorite fandom?

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