Saturday, January 25, 2014

Overprotective Love Interests

I hate overprotective love interests.  Now, yes, it's sweet that the man loves the main heroine, but for crying out loud, she's the heroine!  Don't you think she can take care of herself?

This trend is most prominent in fantasy books, I've found, as those are the types of books where the main character is plunging herself into immediate danger.  So, let's set the scene: the mystical woman with her magic powers has to defeat the other mystical woman who has magical powers who only slightly differs from her because she's evil.  Right.  So then enters "Love Interest."  He's tall, handsome, manly, and probably has abs.  (He also probably doesn't own a shirt if it's the same-old stupid fantasy book that's ever been written.)  Well, she tell him of this quest she has to go on and he says he's coming with her to protect her.  This is the first sign of overprotective love interests.

Well they go plodding along in search of the destination for this quest.  He is kind, understanding, and helpful, even.  He will follow the heroine wherever she goes.  They run from the same enemy together and devise plans on how to trick the enemy together.

Then something happens to "Love Interest"'s mind.  The heroine told him so many months ago "I am a powerful magical being that is the last of her kind and I must go and defeat my enemy.  I have deep power within myself even though I am incapable of doing absolutely anything.  I am no match against my enemy even though we all know I'm going to viciously kill her in the end.  Surprise.  Surprise."  and it's just now penetrating the inner membranes of his cranium.  He just now realizes that his heroine is putting herself in direct danger and now he's not going to let her do anything but be a helpless and brainless woman while he plays "man" and protects her.

She get's mad at him, as any woman who had incomprehensible power might do.  She disobeys his commands to get below, behind, and out of sight, and goes above and beyond in the call of duty.  She shows that she is capable of fighting the enemy better than he ever could with his mundane tools.  He get's mad at her because she is a sensible woman who doesn't need a man to rule her life.  He insists that he needs to protect her by risking her life instead of hers.  Apparently he thinks this is a valid argument because he's a man and she's just a stupid incapable and frail woman, despite the cosmic powers she's already displayed to him millions of times.

She is still attracted to her so called "Love Interest" even though she's made herself into the stupid woman he thinks she is by arguing with him and pounding at his chest in anger oh-so-heroically.  Eventually they have a fallout and he pulls up the point of "can't you see what you're doing to me?" blah blah blah.  She consents that he's right even though he's being selfish by telling her she can't fight for herself if she's going to get killed when he's going to put himself into danger just as much as she would.  She turns into a stupid and dainty woman and let's him think he's the only person that can do anything because he's the man.

You know what?  I would've dumped him months ago.  He needs to realize that their situation warrants danger on both of their parts and that she is just as capable at defending herself.  She's not a useless woman and he shouldn't treat her like one.  She can fight just as well as he can and she can help too.  He shouldn't be thinking that she's stupid.  I think if they get married he's going to treat her like property and so help me if I have the love interest rescue my women in a book, let a million pounds of books fall atop my head for my stupidity.  He's such a baby when she tries to put him out of the way of danger, and he resents her, but she's expected to just go along with whatever he says? No.  I don't think so!

Yeah, well, I was reading this book and I was getting really fed up with the characters.  If you couldn't tell.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Do you ever get scared of yourself?

Just a minute ago I was walking from my bedroom to the living room.  I had thought I'd heard my dad's voice and as I walked into the hall my brain conjured up this strange, inhuman looking mustached person who looks nothing like my dad at all and it said "What if this guy popped up around the corner?"  It then proceeded to subconsciously convince me that I would see this weird cartoon-y figure and I had a mini-heart attack.  That all happened in around three seconds.

Most of the time this crazy wacko brain stuff happens to me when I'm in between waking and sleeping.  Like I'm convinced that I have to stay asleep without a real reason why.  My brain just tells me that it's imperative not to get out of that heavy coma-like state that keeps you asleep.

Or, like when I'm really really zoned out I'll start daydreaming about something like trying to pick an object up.  I try to do it and then the thing is out of my hands halfway after I've picked it up and it's on the floor again.  Like my brain is taunting me or something.  I don't know.  Maybe I'm crazy and maybe I'm just desperate for a blogging topic.

Do you ever dream you're somewhere and then you half-wake up and you get really confused?  I hate those dreams that are so convincing you think that they're real life.  Or those memories you have that are really dreams?  Those are pretty freaky too.  I just think our minds are really complex things.

I can't remember my dreams from last night, but I do remember this dream I had when I was four or five.  The dream starts and I find myself stuck in the ground, like a nail and there are these bull dozes closing in on me about to run me over.  My mom is with me, similarly stuck in the ground and I'm screaming for my dad and my sister.  For help, or just because I don't know where they are I'm not sure, but that had to be the single most scariest nightmare I have ever had in my life.

Nowadays I find my dreams are my subconscious brain telling me stories.  I guess that's what I get for being a writer. (:

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Prom-Date-Mania Induced Panic

My family finally took down our Christmas stuff yesterday.  It's sort of sad, but I guess it means we have to move on with life and with our year.  I guess I'm alright with that, I mean, I already have to endure mind numbing school again, so what's one more thing?

But . . . what do I have to look forward  to anymore?  I really don't know.  Spring break isn't for another month.  Prom is earlier than usual this year, but honestly prom was pretty lame last year.  And I went with this guy who wouldn't let me dance with anyone else.  Not exactly a good experience.  But what do I do?  It's (and shhh!  This is a secret and you aren't supposed to tell anybody) Gatsby themed.  Kind of just like everybody else in America's prom theme, but, you know.  I have loved the 1920s for FOREVER and my most favorite-est book set in that time period is called Diviners by Libba Bray.

(Oh, she's fabulous.  I just looked it up on like a second ago and the second one is out! Guess what I'm spending my money on soon?  Also, I noticed she changed the cover and I'm a little upset because I really liked the art-deco swirls and all-seeing eye thing she had going on.  Boo Libba, why did you do that?  But if that's the only poop she ever does, then I'm still satisfied with her, unlike stupid Veronica Roth who I still think ended her last book idiotically and sometimes wonder if her publisher kidnapped her, tied her up in a closet and wrote the last book against Veronica's will, threatening her family and well being.  I can dream can't I?)

Did I just make a whole paragraph out of that parenthesis? Yes I did.  Anyway, it's Gatsby and there is NO WAY I can pass up the opportunity to buy a flapper dress and slink into that speak-easy themed prom with a Fascinator around my eyes.  Except for: I can't go through prom-date-mania induced panic again.

You know.  When you have no idea who you're going to ask to go with you when you know you can't go by yourself.  I don't know about you, but my school's prom's entrance is just as important as the dress you are wearing and the date that you carry on your arm like a Coach purse.  I don't have a fancy car and I definitely won't walk.  But . . . the guy who I want to go with would never go with me.  I usually leave these "limo" arrangements to the guy, but the guy who I would settle with might actually not go with me either.  You know the drill ladies.  This is prom-date-mania induced panic.  And to top if all off, like I said earlier, prom is EARLIER.  I have to make a decision sooner!  I just want a friend to go to prom with so it'll be fun!  Why does this have to be so hard?  Why did the theme have to be so hard to turn away from?


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It's Twenty-Fourteen!

Well I . . . I've been gone for awhile, yes.  I could say I was gone because of semester tests, and that would be true for about a week (because my stupid teachers thought they wouldn't review us until a few days before.  Grrrrr...)  I could say  I was gone because of the holidays, which is also true, but the real reason I've been gone for so long is because NOTHING HAPPENS IN MY LIFE.  This is one of those blog posts where I'm only posting because I feel so guilty about not posting for a month.

Sooo.... what do I talk about?  Mmmm, I'm thinking the whole "What I Got for Christmas Haul!" thing is a little narcissistic.  I could do a "New Years Resolution" post, but nobody cares about that.  I don't even care about my own resolutions.

The only thing I can think of that I'm excited about is books!  I think I'm going to add some new Wattpad books to my "Books I Love" page.  I'll stop talking and post them: