Friday, February 28, 2014

Changing Location

I've decided that I want a blog that's more on the "up and up".  Though blogger suits my needs, it's not altogether eye catching.  They say you can't judge a book by it's cover and yet a cover is exactly what makes people want to read your book.

I supposed I'm saying that the same goes for a blog.  Lots of people have blogs and anyone can use them, but who are the people who are the most noticed?  Yeah.  Those guys with the fancy-shmancy websites.

I am reluctant to leave.  Though I have four followers so far, I have been able to sort of connect with those four followers.  I may not be able to do this since I'm changing to a new sight and I sort of don't want to loose that.  I've got to go anyways, though.

I won't delete this website or any other posts in the hope that it'll still be stumbled upon.  If you still want to follow me and keep up-to-date with my posts, I believe you can put this web address into your blog's reading list:

Thank you to all who have read anything that I've written.

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